McKenzie River - Blue sky with clouds above a river winding through green trees
In 2022 Oregon's Kitchen Table supported the outreach and engagement efforts of McKenzie Rebuilds to connect residents impacted by the 2020 Holiday Farm Fire recover and rebuild. OKT supported a group of McKenzie High School students and project team members from McKenzie Rebuilds to connect with residents who haven't yet received information about services and resources.
About McKenzie Rebuilds
The McKenzie Rebuilds project will help McKenzie River Valley communities prepare to rebuild in the wake of the 2020 Holiday Farm Fire. While there was a tremendous response from first responders and county residents after the onset of fire, the county says the fire’s aftermath has exacerbated several chronic issues in the area, including inadequate communication networks, aging and failing septic infrastructure, high levels of poverty, and a declining economy.
Despite the devastating impacts of the fire, the McKenzie community is resilient and realizes that this moment provides them an opportunity to rebuild in a better and more sustainable way to support recovery and a prosperous future. This project seeks to accelerate the rebuilding of homes and infrastructure lost to the fires so that residents can return home. The project also seeks to do so in a manner that protects the McKenzie River watershed, provides economic and educational opportunity for current and future residents, and delivers housing options for families and individuals at all income levels. Achieving these long-term outcomes will require substantial new resources, expanded local capacity, and collective action built on trust and a shared vision for the sixty-mile corridor.