Past Engagement

June 2015
From April to mid-May, Portland Public Schools (PPS) invited staff, students, parents and the wider district population over the age of 13 to participate in the PPS 2025 survey using both online and paper versions. The survey questionnaire was developed by Oregon’s Kitchen Table (OKT) with selected District staff and PPS’ District-wide Boundary Review Advisory Committee (DBRAC). PPS developed the distribution strategy, which differed by school. A total of 4,099 respondents took part in the survey.
For online distribution, the survey was made available to OKT’s entire membership in the PPS district (targeted by zip codes), as well as through PPS’ social media and email lists. Paper copies were made available to all schools district. PPS and OKT contracted and partnered with community organizations (Latino Network, Self Enhancement Inc., IRCO: Asian Family Center, IRCO: Africa House, Hacienda CDC, Russian Oregon Social Services, Muslim Education Trust, Oregon Community Health Worker Association, Urban League, Association of Slavic Immigrants, Slavic Community Center, New Portlanders Advisory Council, El Programa Hispano), to improve participation particularly among historically underrepresented groups.
Distribution of hard copies was also achieved through community engagement events. Surveys were made available online and in paper in all six of the District’s supported languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Somali, Russian, and Mandarin/Chinese.